The 2025 Targhee Athletics Health Challenge is coming to a conclusion. Hopefully it has been a success, in helping make some sustainable changes, creating new and improved habits and just generally wholesome and good.
We will be re testing our 1 Rep Max numbers this next week, and of course also re testing the Work Capacity effort.
The big life question…
If you do not achieve greatness, and pulverize your previous numbers, does that make you a bad person?
Not necessarily, you could be a bad person anyways...
Moreover, how much you lift is only one part of equation when it comes to what kind of person you are. Obviously how fast you can do a conditioning workout is the other part. So combined it probably makes up…like…99% of your ability to contribute and be a functional member of in society. Just a rough estimation, but scientifically pretty accurate.Â
So in summery, if you don’t get any stronger on your gym lifts, make sure that you absolute crush the conditioning effort to make up for it, and vice versa.Â
If the whole thing is a flop, and no progress was made, the next best option is to put all aspirations out to pasture for the year, and not try even harder, that way, the barest of efforts will yield results in 2026.Â
Just Kidding.Â
I have heard that there are totally good, wholesome people out there who don’t workout…Have not met any, but heard they are out there…
This next week will be similar to the pervious testing week. Then we will be dropping into a new block of training that will carry us into April.Â
We will be mixing in some movements that we have not done in a bit, and backing off from the big compound lifts we just focused on for the past month plus. We got some solid strength work coming your way, and going to be doing a little Olympic lifting, partner workouts and all the usual fun stuff that we do at Targhee Athletics. The main focus of the next month of training is...
My mind keeps drifting and is unsettled…
I know this is not the most thoughtful and focused of Coaches Corners...
But it is hard to be dialed in, when so much is on the line…
This next week can either reaffirm, or completely undermine my sense of self worth. I really, really want to be a good person, I want to be a positive force in the community…
But how can I do that if my Bench Press is not better then it was a month ago? What will people think? I do not know how to enter a room if I am not near the top of the Bench Press hierarchy. Where do I fit in? Where do I stand? Who do I talk too? How do I exist in a world that has no rules? How will everyone know how good of a person I am, if the bar does not bend when I unrack it?...
I am sorry, I must leave you here and go prepare for the upcoming judging of character.
Good luck to everyone, and may god have mercy on your soul. And my you all get out of it, what you put in.Â